Chiropractic Assistants

Judy Atha

Judy has been a patient at AYC since it’s inception. She originally consulted a Chiropractor after a neck and back injury she incurred from heavy lifting at work 25 years ago and chiropractic has been part of her healthcare and lifestyle choices since. She loves the vitality and general sense of wellbeing she receives from it. In her own words: ‘I love getting adjusted; after about three weeks the physical, chemical and emotional stressors of daily life start to make me feel ‘blah’. After an adjustment I’m back on track and ready to go again!'

Judy lives locally in Erina with her husband John. Her hobbies and interests include genealogy, reading, bush walking and she is a keen WIRES volunteer.

Judy has had a long service history in the travel industry. For those of you who’ve already encountered Judy you’ll know she brings a great ‘Yorkie’ sense of humour and a caring, compassionate energy to the team.

Janice Lee

Janice first attended the clinic as a patient herself in her quest towards optimal health. Being a practicing kinesiologist; she has a clear understanding of both positive and negative adaptions the body makes in response to physical, emotional and chemical stressors. Janice has always had an interest in the mind/body connection and how misalignments manifest in the body.  As a Holistic Practitioner, Janice has a strong appreciation for chiropractic care and how vital this is to her self care and regulation.

Janice is a mum of two vibrant girls who keep her busy and entertained! Her hobbies and interests include constantly exploring new health and wellbeing processes/modalities, regular trips to the beach, camping and getting out and about exploring various locations on the Coast and beyond.

Janice's career also includes 25 years in the welfare sector, working with vulnerable families and children.

Janice is excited to be part of the AYC team and getting to know everyone. She loves the added bonus of being asked to hold little ones when Mum or Dad are having their appointment!

Tara Noakes

Tara is passionate about chiropractic and educating her community in a holistic approach to health and life. She is mother to three beautiful children and has been a Chiropractic Assistant for over 10 years. She absolutely loves her job, seeing positive changes in people’s lives brings her joy. She believes it is so important to enjoy life and all that it has to offer. Outside of AYC she loves travelling, reading, and dancing.

Alistair Rye

Alistair is in the final stages of his chiropractic studies and assists in the AYC team both behind the scenes and on reception. He grew up and lives locally on the Central Coast. He is relishing the opportunity to be part of a larger chiropractic team and is excited to be a part of the healing process with the AYC community.

When he’s not busy studying or working, he enjoys travelling around Australia playing ice hockey for 'The Coast' ice hockey club.