Our Vision

Our vision is to create a caring connection with you. We utilise cutting edge science and chiropractic techniques tailored to the individual to achieve expression of optimal health.

Your health is your greatest asset. Without it, every aspect of your life is negatively impacted including your relationships, work, ability to enjoy your leisure time and all the joyful experiences that life has to offer! At About you Chiropractic our focus is on total health optimisation, starting with individualised and considered Chiropractic Care, incorporated with results based care plans and cutting edge techniques.

A frequently asked question we encounter is what age should someone get their spine checked? The broad answer is ‘any age’! To expand: The birth process can be quite traumatic for a baby and result in misalignment of the bones of the skull and spine not being in their normal alignment, this in turn can impact how the nerves are functioning. In the first 3 years of life an infant will do more neurological development than in the whole rest of their lives, so it makes sense to have a baby checked at birth to make sure their nervous system is functioning well. In the first to second year of life we learn to walk, which entails some bumps and lumps. Many of the spinal misalignments will self correct in these amazingly neuroplastic bodies. However, some don’t and this is where having a growing child’s spinal function checked can assist in ensuring optimal growth and development.

Also, we don’t stop at walking… we climb, participate in many sports and activities as we grow. We are exposed to both biochemical stressors in the form of the things we ingest and come into contact with, not too mention the negative effects of emotional stress on our nervous and musculoskeletal systems. In more recent years we adopt some very unnatural and static postures (in our study, work and screen time) which cause extra pressure on nerves and many other health complications.

As we age, more functional negative patterning can result within the spine, nerves and surrounding tissues, leading to degeneration and early decay. Maintaining proper spinal alignment and mobility is like getting a regular grease and oil change on your car, it allows the nerves the best opportunity to work properly as they exit the spine, just like the oil lubes the components of the spine, chiropractic enhances neuroplasticity in the body.

You’re never too old to make positive healing changes.

Whilst you are still breathing; you’re still regenerating and repairing. The Nerve System as the ‘Master Controller’ of the body, it is what directs this process, so it makes sense to having it working the best it can with the materials your individual body has to work with. 

If you haven’t already, get your spine checked!