


Lisa: 0410 657 945
Felicity: 0403 981 310

(Dr Mandy is currently on maternity leave).

Dr Lisa’s Hours

Monday: 2pm - 6pm

Tuesday: 8am - 12pm & 2pm - 5pm

Thursday: 2pm - 6pm

Dr Felicity’s Hours

Wednesday: 1.45pm - 5.45pm

Friday: 8am - 12pm

Saturday: 8am - 12pm

Clinic Location

Our clinic is located in the HealTHY self building (60 Karalta Road, Erina) which is on the left hand side of Karalta Road as you head from Fountain Plaza to Erina Fair (see the map below for further clarification).

Enter via the lower gate (closest to Fountain Plaza) drive through and around the back of the buildings then exit through the top gate (closest to Erina Fair). If you are coming from the other direction there are double yellow lines so you will need to U-turn at the roundabout. There is plenty of parking available at the back and along the sides of the building, plus you can parallel park out on Karalta Road.